Relativity App Hub

The App Hub includes integrations built by Relativity or our community. Find solutions that best suit your unique data challenges.

header Amplify image


Amplify by Lineal transforms Relativity into an AI-powered review powerhouse, integrating cutting-edge tools like ChatCraft and Lineal Images, enabling efficient chat and image data review, and offering unique features like advanced analytics and fingerprint identification for data reuse.



Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021

Hosted Platform Application

Available to any Relativity customer


Relativity Server 10 or higher


Amplify leverages AI to elevate Relativity's capabilities, offering tools like ChatCraft for efficient chat data handling and Lineal Images for intuitive image review. With features like fingerprint identification, Amplify not only enhances data review quality but enables strategic data reuse, making it a vital tool for modern legal challenges. Designed by industry experts, Amplify ensures that data integrity and cost-effectiveness are maintained, streamlining the eDiscovery process. 

Key Benefits

  • AI-enhanced review capabilities for diverse data types
  • Strategic data reuse with fingerprint identification
  • Efficient handling of chat and image data
  • Advanced analytics for deeper insights
  • Integration with both RelativityOne and Server
  • Customizable to specific case needs 


Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021

Hosted Platform Application

Available to any Relativity customer


Relativity Server 10 or higher