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Blackout, a Milyli product

The easiest, fastest, and most comprehensive way to redact sensitive information.



Current Version: 5.0
Certifications: Blackout Certified Exam for Active Users
Pricing: On-Demand, Package, and Unlimited Usage Plans


Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021


Relativity Server: 10 and above

Contact Info


208 S. Jefferson St. Ste. 001 Chicago, IL 60661


Blackout enables the easiest, fastest, and most comprehensive workflows for redacting complex, sensitive information in Relativity. 

With manual and automated jobs, Suggested Redactions, and more, Blackout precisely and accurately marks up Images, native PDFs, and native Excels.

In the Relativity viewer, only Blackout enables manual markups on Excel files – eliminating the need to image worksheets entirely. Blackout can even find and sanitize Excel charts, comments, and other objects. 

Blackout's speed, reliability, and versatility allow it to improve workflows for litigation, compliance, healthcare, and more. It's the best choice for redaction and markup in Relativity.

Download Blackout PDF One Sheet

Solution Description

  • Generate Suggested Redactions based on previous user actions
  • Manually and Auto-redact any sensitive information in imaged, native Excel, or native PDF files 
  • Redact hidden information in files, including file attachments, notes, and comments 
  • Quality check with approval, reject, and override options 
  • Mass import/export functions via .CSV file 

Watch Blackout in action:

*For Server 2022+ but Milyli can offer in Server 2021 for enterprise plan Blackout users.

Key Benefits

  • Cut time and costs with powerful automated redactions and essential manual markup features
  • Rule-based redaction allows for the versatile application of Blackout to any task requiring markups or highlights 
  • Create efficiencies that drive down human error by redacting words, phrases, and text patterns simultaneously
  • Ensure privileged information is secure while retaining native documents
  • Create valuable, secure, reusable work product



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Current Version: 5.0
Certifications: Blackout Certified Exam for Active Users
Pricing: On-Demand, Package, and Unlimited Usage Plans


Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021


Relativity Server: 10 and above

Contact Info


208 S. Jefferson St. Ste. 001 Chicago, IL 60661