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header KPMG PII Extractor image

KPMG PII Extractor by KPMG

The KPMG PII Extractor allows users to extract personally identifiable information directly from the Relativity viewer and link it to a data subject. 

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Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021

Hosted Platform Application

Application is only available through KPMG.

Contact Info

Magnus Becher
+44 (0) 7880425813


Relativity Server: 12 and above


Text extraction application.

The KPMG PII Extractor allows users to select text directly in the Relativity native viewer and save it to a Relativity Dynamic Object on the fly. The intended use case is to extract personally identifiable information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, and link it to a data subject with ease.

Key Benefits

  • Lightweight JavaScript toolkit
  • Intuitive and easy to use interface to enhance review accuracy
  • Extracted content can be edited on the fly
  • Loads over 10,000 data subjects, categories and PII within seconds
  • Does not need to be reloaded between switching documents
  • Includes dynamic filtering
  • Includes Relativity’s out of the box dashboards


Relativity Server 2023
Relativity Server 2022
Relativity Server 2021

Hosted Platform Application

Application is only available through KPMG.

Contact Info

Magnus Becher
+44 (0) 7880425813


Relativity Server: 12 and above